Please list your current address.
If an apartment, do not forget your apartment number.
How did the two of you meet? I must know the story .
What’s one thing that you immediately fell in love with about him/her?
What does he adore about you?
What do you adore about him?
What is your favorite thing to do together?
How would you describe your personality as a pair? Is one more outgoing than the other? What makes you different?
If you had to dance to one genre of music, what would it be?
Do you guys have any songs. You know, those songs that are YOUR songs.
Let’s talk locations. Do you have any specific places you two love?
If not what kind of scenery do you like?
Being self conscious is totally normal. I know I am! What are some insecurities of yours? That way I can ensure you feel confident and beautiful.
Do you have Instagram? If so, list your handles here.
How did you hear about me